Loan Payment Portal - made easy
This project was designed to create a modern, customizable web-based portal for your customers to view their loan(s) safely & securely, make loan payments, request pay-offs, view statements & documents, & update account information. A cloud-hosted application that leverages pre-built Microsoft Azure services like Active Directory, B2C, API Management, and more, to seamlessly integrate with your existing Microsoft enterprise applications.
I was the Principal Designer on this project.
This project was worked on in single-week sprints. I met with the Project Owners, Managers, and Developers multiple times per week to ensure all requirements were being met and updated as feedback or changes were requested. We had 3 Developers and I as the sole designer for this project.
All requirements and tasks were housed in Microsoft Azure DevOps.
Mobile First
With a product that is focused on smaller businesses that might not have a central office or accountant that does all the bookkeeping, this app had to be mobile-friendly so the user could make payments and have ease of access to the portal on a phone, from a job site or just at home at the end of the day. Fully responsive design was a must and the highest priority when designing this project.
Working in an Agile environment of course means working quickly and iteratired even quicker. We found a good layout that met the requirements for the homepage and all requests. Once this we set up, we know we could follow this type of layout on all subsequent pages to keep the consistent styling between pages and components. With the layout complete, all that was left was to fill out the pages with the required actions and requirements to make this a fully functioning web app.
Iterations and Final Design
With several rounds of iterations to make sure the user flows and interactions met our requirements we were able to expand our pages and homepage types and dial in the style and get the app completed and integrations working.
My final designs were handed off to the team to complete and make revisions if needed.